Tenterden Footpaths Group Sunday Walks
Regular fortnightly Sunday walks of between 3 and 6 miles over the local area paths
Programme of Walks
13 Oct. 2:00pm. West Cross to New Barn Farm
27 Oct.2:00pm. Chestnut Close to Brissenden
10 Nov.2:00pm. Bells Lane to Morghew Farm
24 Nov.10:00am. Station Road(CoachPark) to GribbleBridge
8 Dec.10:00am. West Cross to Millpond
22 Dec.10:00am. Summer Close to Robhurst
5 Jan.10:00am. Appledore Rd (Playing Field) to Forstal/Ratsbury
19 Jan.10:00am. Station Road (Coach Park) Silcocks
2 Feb.10:00am. Swain Road to High Halden
16 Feb. 2:00pm. Sandy Lane to Ashenden
2 Mar. 2:00pm. Appledore Rd (Finchden) to Barrack Farm
Chairman: Cliff Chandler
Secretary: Alan Brand