Tenterden and District Local History Society
(Founded 25th November 1955)
The programme for 2023-24 includes seven lectures per year on Monday evenings. Meetings are held in Highbury Hall in Tenterden, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. £2 to members; visitors are also welcome, at a cost of £4 per meeting. Non-members may join the Society at these events, our annual membership is £6.
28th October 2024
7.15 for 7.30pm
Illustrated Talk £2
The Great Storm of 1987
Bob Ogley
The season continues with a talk on the Great Storm by Bob Ogley. This will be held in Highbury Hall on Monday, October 28th at 7.15pm for 7.30pm at Highbury Hall. Bob Ogley was born in Sevenoaks, has lived in the county all his life and is proud to be a Kentish man. As author of more than 20 books he has travelled extensively in pursuit of information and photographs and is in great demand from organisations across the south-east to tell his unique story. A former editor of The Sevenoaks Chronicle, Bob was a journalist for more than 30 years before he left his newspaper to concentrate on writing books and giving his talks. He is also a regular broadcaster on BBC Radio Kent. Bob has previously visited us in Tenterden to talk about The RAF at Biggin Hill. Bob likes to tell humorous stories, and he has an amazing collection of anecdotes which he delivers with great enthusiasm. This is a talk not to be missed, given by a master in the art of story telling.
25th November 2024
7.15 for 7.30pm
Illustrated Talk £2,
AGM and A Tenterden Picture Book
Jack Gillett
27th January 2025
7.15 for 7.30pm
Illustrated Talk £2
125 Years of the K&ESR
Tom Burnham
24th February 2025
7.15 for 7.30pm
Illustrated Talk £2
The Hooden Horse of Kent
James Frost
31st March 2025
7.15 for 7.30pm
Illustrated Talk £2
Churchill's Secret Army
Jim Gascoyne
28th April 2025
7.15 for 7.30pm
Illustrated Talk £2
Sarah Baker's Kentish Theatres
Jean Baker