Rolvenden History Group
Friday, 4 October 2024
'Our World Turn'd Upside Down':
Religion and revolution in mid-17th century
St Mary's Church, Rolvenden
Coffee and biscuits
7.15pm for 7.30pm start for lecture
Everyone welcome - Non-members: £4
Speaker Dr Rebecca Warren: From the abolition of the bishops and Book of Common Prayer to the emergence of extreme religious sects, the two decades of the 'puritan revolution' changed the religious and social life of Britain forever. This talk looks at these changes through the experiences of the church and its parishioners in Rolvenden: What happened to traditional religious worship? Who was affected? And how did Rolvenden and the surrounding communities embrace - or reject - the new-found freedom to worship in new ways and new places, that was ushered in by Oliver Cromwell?