Wendy Catterick, Kent Refugee Action Network

Bill Ferguson, Tenterden Rotary Club

Tenterden Rotary Club Speaker Wendy Catterick
Kent Refugee Action Network
Working with Unaccompanied Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in East Kent
16 February 2017

Wendy Catterick invited us to imagine how it feels to be a refugee. Possibly the only survivor of a family destroyed by war, you find yourself trying to integrate into a foreign country far from home, with an unfamiliar culture and possibly an unfamiliar language. She explained how KRAN (Kent Refugee Action Network) operates in Kent to help young people integrate into this new society.

Wendy works in Folkestone with solitary 15-19 year olds who are refugees or seeking asylum. Much of her work is outreach and focused on teaching independent living skills to enable the young people to look after themselves.

For more information: www.kran.org.uk

Photo: Chris Milne (Tenterden Rotary Club Vice President) and Wendy Catterick (KRAN)

Bill Ferguson, Tenterden Rotary Club Press Officer
Email Bill Ferguson
Tenterden Rotary Club website: www.tenterdenrotary.co.uk
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