Tenterden Volunteer Centre is the place to go to find a new or a different volunteering opportunity. The Centre works closely with charities in Tenterden and surrounding areas, so they have a good up to date knowledge of what is going on and the range of volunteering roles available. Although things are different at the moment and we are all still trying to adapt in these challenging times, many charities are still on the lookout for volunteers to assist them in a variety of ways. Charities have been forced to adapt and become more innovative with regard to service delivery. Undoubtedly some services have been cut or reduced so the range of volunteering opportunities is not as large as it was before lockdown, however there is still a good selection. So, whether you are looking to meet new people and make new friends, learn different skills, put existing skills and knowledge to good use or to use volunteering as a stepping stone to employment, we are confident we can find something enjoyable and rewarding for you.
Alpha Charity Consulting have recently taken over the management of the Tenterden Volunteer Centre, our team is passionate about volunteering. Our vision is that the people of Tenterden are inspired and supported to volunteer, enhancing both their lives and the lives of others.