Tenterden Regeneration the Next Steps - March 2017

Tenterden News

Tenterden Regeneration – the Next Steps - March 2017
We need residents to come forward and take part in the next stage of the process.

Following the comprehensive consultation report from Liptons, the Town Council is keen to maintain impetus and ensure that the projects move forward.

Focus Groups will be set up for the following projects:
  • Recreation ground reordering and youth hub
  • Town Hall repairs, possible extension and possible community hub
  • Cinema proposal
  • Outdoor pitches / football hub
  • Community halls and virtual hub
The focus groups will have between 6 and 10 members with 1 or 2 councillors taking part. The remaining members will be selected by the council from the applicants. A broad range of opinions, ages and interests will be sought among focus group members and we would encourage residents to apply.

Our deadline is 30th April - If you would like to be involved in a focus group please contact the Town Council stating your contact details, age, the particular focus group and reason for your interest. townhall@tenterdentowncouncil.gov.uk or Tenterden Town Council, The Town Hall, 24 High Street, Tenterden Kent TN30 6AN.

If you know someone who you feel would be suited to take this role, please encourage them to apply.

At the same time the Council will appoint a design team to work alongside and liaise with the focus groups.
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