Tenterden Healthcheck Report 2005

Tenterden News

Tenterden Healthcheck Report and Action Plan
Tenterden Town and Rural Partnership | Tenterden Improved
November 2005


Section Page
1 Introduction and Summary
2 Snapshot of the area
3 Background documents and studies
4 Summary of key issues arising out of the Healthcheck
5 The plan preparation process, and what people said
6 Relationship to other strategies and lead agencies
7 Strategic Objectives and possible actions
8 Vision, Priorities and Actions

1 People involved in the healthcheck
2 Publicity leaflet and questionnaire
3 Exhibition material

Some snippets from the report 
Introduction and Summary
In 2004, a Partnership was formed in Tenterden and the surrounding area, to ;act as a representative steering group to undertake a town healthcheck, which would lead to the development of a local Action Plan for the town.The Tenterden Town and Rural Partnership currently has a Steering Group of ten, representing the Weald of Kent Preservation Society, the Chamber of Commerce, Ashford Borough Council, Tenterden Town Council, Wittersham Parish Council, Tenterden and District Residents Association, the Leisure Centre Trust and local business. With the help of grants from the Channel Corridor Partnership and Kent County Council, the Tenterden Town and Rural Partnership used the Market Towns Healthcheck process developed by the Countryside Agency to provide a recognised route towards developing an Action Plan, and a structure for the work, which would take stock and then look to the future.
Tenterden Today
The High Street is the historic centre of the town, with many attractive architectural features and a good mix of retail outlets and services that appeal to tourists and residents, including the growth in the number of antique shops. Recent trends, however, have created a potential imbalance with the loss of locally owned shops and specialists (e.g. greengrocers, fishmongers), the appearance of two major supermarkets, and the expansion national retail chains and of estate agents. Heavy through traffic along the A28 is a cause of pollution and a hazard to pedestrians. Tenterden’s centre, with fine examples of medieval and Georgian buildings and facades, is one of the most delightful towns in the south east and a major tourist attraction. Along the western part of the main street long cottage gardens line the wide greens with their mature plane trees. The lanes off the High Street are a feature of the town. At several key points the surrounding countryside comes close to the town’s centre and this, combined with views from the lanes off the High Street, contributes to the town's rural charm.
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