Tenterden Family Food Bank helping those in need.
THE TENTERDEN FAMILY FOODBANK is able to provide foodboxes containing enough non-perishable food to make two meals a day for three days. Anyone suffering hardship may collect a box from The Coffee Shop at EC30, Recreation Ground Road, Tenterden TN30 6RA, open Monday to Friday 9am-3pm and Saturday 10am-1pm
For Out of Hours (Emergencies only) please call 07919 381827 / 07805 840493
DONATING FOOD thank you!
There are food donation points direct to the Tenterden Family Food Bank situated here:
- St Mildred's Church porch, Tenterden
- St Michaels Shop and Post Office
- Waitrose
- Tesco
Non-perishable foodstuffs are always needed so please remember to drop a tin or a packet into the box when you are passing one of the donation points. Desperately needed: long-life milk, tinned meats, tinned potatoes, coffee, tea and jam, and also washing machine gel pods/tablets. Also nappies, baby wipes and personal hygiene products. Donated food is collected, sorted and packed into FoodBank boxes which are then available to local families, couples or individuals.
If you cannot donate food, please consider giving money to the Foodbank. The best way is by Bank Transfer, please use the reference “Tenterden”. Details here:
Bank Account Name: Family Food Bank
Bank Account Number: 23659130
Sort Code: 60-19-04
or by Cheque made payable to "Family Food Bank" and posted to:
Unit 4, St John’s Court,
Ashford Business Park,
Foster Road,
Ashford, Kent TN24 0SJ
(please use the reference "Tenterden")
The Family Food Bank is part of the Children and Families Group.
Charity Registrations No: 1115459
Registered in England & Wales, Company No: 04615904
Registered Address: Seashells, Rose Street, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1AW
THE OLD SCHOOLHOUSE LARDERThe Old Schoolhouse Larder is a small charity serving families with children attending local schools and who struggle to provide a hot meal every day. Open in EC30 on Friday mornings, 9-12 for a top-up bag of groceries and a supply of fresh fruit, vegetables and butchery products. For further information email
info@ec30.co.uk or call 07919 381827.