Tenterden & District Men's Shed

Tenterden & District Men's Shed
c/o Glebe Hall, Church Road
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6AT
United Kingdom

We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-1pm in the Glebe Hall, Church Road, Tenterden. We gather to chat, make things and wherever possible help the community. You can see some of our work dotted around the town. A frame noticeboards advertise upcoming events organised by the Friends of St Mildred's Church, and outside EC30 are planters and another A-frame noticeboard. If you are interested pop along to one of our sessions and we will make you very welcome.
Men's Sheds support people's mental and physical health by bringing them together to
take part in activities, often woodwork but much else besides, alongside others with
similar interests and experiences. You can learn new skills, teach and create in a friendly
atmosphere, work on projects for the community, or just make and meet friends with a
chat over a cuppa.

Check out the UK Men's Shed Association https://menssheds.org.uk/about and Kent's Sheds https://www.kentsheds.org

Tenterden & District Men's Shed 


Tenterden Mens Shed

Tenterden & District Men's Shed
Jack Dale
Glebe Hall, Church Road
Tenterden Kent TN30
United Kingdom
Tenterden & District Men's Shed Jack Dale

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