Tenterden Cost of Living Help

Tenterden Cost of Living Help
Tenterden, Kent TN30
United Kingdom


Tenterden Cost of Living Help
Download the latest Information Sheet >>> here 
In Tenterden High Street - the noticeboard outside of WH Smith has information to help with the Cost of Living crisis. Also the Town Hall has a folder in the foyer for the use of Tenterden residents. Please pass on to others if you think this might be helpful to them.
For local tips & help with the cost of living crisis see Tenterden Cost of Living Facebook page which is being run by Tenterden Town Councillor Jane Mills  >>> here 
For further information, email: cllr.mills@tenterdentowncouncil.gov.uk
Tenterden Cost of Living Help
Cllr Jane Mills

Tenterden Kent TN30
United Kingdom

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