Tenterden Community Land Trust

Tenterden Community Land Trust
Tenterden, Kent TN30
United Kingdom

Tenterden Community Land Trust
Download the handout >>> here 
JULY 2023
TCLT is at the Spirit of Tenterden Festival this Saturday. Come along and find out why we need truly affordable housing for local people. In the meantime, this flyer says more about TCLT and what it hopes to achieve. 








UPDATE APRIL 2020 Read the latest Tenterden Community Land Trust Bulletin April 2020
UPDATE APRIL 2020. AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Have your say! The Tenterden Housing Needs Survey is still taking place (this was due to finish on the 2nd April 2020 but due to the present extraordinary circumstances, the completion period has been extended and surveys can still be returned now). The survey was delivered last month to homes in Tenterden. If you have not already filled in the form please do so now. If you don't have a form please download a form here https://www.mytenterden.co.uk/pdf/tclt-housing-needs-survey.pdf. The future of truly affordable housing in Tenterden could be in your hands. Options for returning the form: Print out, complete, scan and email to info@ruralkent.org.uk OR, print out, complete and post to Action with Communities in Rural Kent, The Old Granary, Penstock Hall Farm, East Brabourne, Kent, TN25 5LL or drop it into Bell House, Bells Lane, Tenterden, TN30 6ES 
UPDATE 16 MARCH 2020. Tenterden Housing Needs Survey/Affordable Housing
This is being delivered to your door right now! Please pass your survey form on to others if it is not applicable to you:
- do you need/want to move to Tenterden
- do you have a family member who needs/wants to move to Tenterden
- do you want to downsize in Tenterden
- are you an employer who needs to fill a vacancy but that person can't afford to live in Tenterden
Please spread the word; as many people as possible who are in housing need should complete this Survey. Here's a link to the survey:
A community organisation​ seeking to achieve genuinely affordable housing for local residents. "We want to ensure that our children are able to afford to live in their own community, and to raise their children here as we did.” ​

A Community Land Trust is a form of community led housing, set up and run by the community as long-term stewards of housing, ensuring it remains genuinely affordable, not just now but for every future occupier.
A Community Land Trust (CLT) is a not for profit organisation reinvesting its surplus in the CLT. Local people living and working in the community can join the CLT as members and control it; usually by a Board elected from the membership.
It is a growing movement and is supported by the Government who have created The National Community Land Trust Network who provide a wealth of information.
Tenterden Community Land Trust
Mark Ellender
Andrew Weaver
Martin Vink
John Cowell
Richard Powell
Justin Nelson
Mike Carter
Tenterden Community Land Trust
Community Land Trust

Tenterden Kent TN30
United Kingdom
Tenterden Community Land Trust Community Land Trust
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