Tenterden Community Emergency Plan

Tenterden Community Emergency Plan Steering Group
Tenterden Town Council 24 High Street
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6AN
United Kingdom


The Tenterden Community Emergency Steering Group has produced a plan; how to cope with and recover from a range of emergency situations - storms, heavy snow and ice in winter, power outages, etc. The plan does not try to substitute for the "blue light" emergency services, but provides "on the ground" support for the community in case of an emergency and identifies resources and vulnerabilities in advance so that they can be protected at short notice if needed. The plan covers items such as rest centres, chainsaw operators, electricity generator availability, alternative communications, high risk locations, and vulnerable residents and how best safeguard these. Do you remember the Great Storm of 1987? It could happen again!

Volunteers needed
Volunteer to help in an emergency: Please contact the Town Hall. Pick up a volunteer form, indicate if you have any relevant skills, equipment and/or resources/specialist skills (eg medical, 4x4 vehicle, tractor, chain saw, radio equipment), most of all complete the form - you don't need any skills to help.

Become a community liaison volunteer: A vital element in any emergency (or prospective emergency) is a network of volunteers who can liaise between the authorities and their local neighbours. If you would like to volunteer for this role, please contact the Town Hall

Ensure your own individual resilience: Download and print the handbook "What should I do in an emergency" available from Ashford Borough Council's website http://www.ashford.gov.uk/what-should-i-do-in-an-emergency Help yourself and your family cope with emergencies.

The Steering Group can be contacted via the Town Hall

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