Tenterden Bowls Club News Week Ending 30 April 2017

Alan Haselup, Tenterden Bowls Club

Tenterden Bowls Club
Results for week ending Sunday 30th April 2017

Wednesday 26th April
Tenterden  V Cranbrook Friendly away
Tenterden 46 Cranbrook 66

Saturday 29th April
Captain v Vice Captain Club Match
Captain Team 42 Vice Captain Team 38
Winning Rink: 14 - 10 Janet Tidd, Ray Walker & John Link

Sunday 30th April
Tenterden v Ham Street Friendly away
Tenterden 86 - Ham Street 53
Winning Rink: Tenterden 30 - Hamstreet 9 Mary Hogart, Janet Tidd & Roy Hook

Tenterden Bowls Club 'Taster Day'
1st May 2017

Following advertising the club outside Tenterden Town Hall on Friday, Tenterden Bowls Club had a 'Taster Day', held on Bank Holiday Monday, for anyone interested in playing the game of bowls. Sixteen members of the public arrived at the club to try their hand at bowling, with eight of them intending to return on Tenterden's club evening, held every Thursday commencing 6.00pm, when coaching will take place.

Photo (left to right): Phillip Jeffrey, Tony Masters, Ray Walker and Jenny Crickmore-Porter 
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