Tenterden Bowls Club News

Alan Haselup, Tenterden Bowls Club

After being approached by a School Governor and Head Mistress of the St Michaels Primary School, Tenterden, thirty nine children, from the school, from years four and five, have been attending a five week coaching course at Tenterden Bowls club. Twelve members led by the club coach, Alan Haselup, have been coaching the children in playing the game of bowls.

The children were split into eight groups, and initially the children were shown how to deliver a jack, followed by having the bias of a bowl explained to them and finally how to deliver a bowl. Subsequent visits involved the children bowling to various targets when points were allocated making each session a competition.

On the final visit, the children presented the club with a very large thank you card which was made by the children, consisting of photos and thank you messages.

At the end of the five week period Captain Ray Walker and the club coach Alan Haselup, attended St. Michaels Primary School, (Tenterden) to hand out certificates to the thirty nine of the children who had attended Tenterden Bowls Club over the five week period.

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