Tenterden Archive - Year 1987

Tenterden News

Image above: Hurricane in Tenterden the night of 15-16 October 1987, hundreds of trees were lost 

From the Kentish Express in 1987
August 1987, Jabez Chacksfield Draper, Milliner, ladies & children's Outfitter, The Colonnade, Tenterden (the shop is now in 2021 Tenterden House Interiors). "When the original shop opened in The Colonnade, more than 100 years ago, Jabez Chacksfield stocked both men's and ladies' fashions. This photograph, taken at the tum of the century reveals windows full of straw boaters. Jabez and his staff sold general and fancy draperies, boots and shoes. At that time, there were three doors and a magnificent wrought iron colonnade. In the 1930s, the shop traded under the name of H J Bristow, general draper, ladies and children's outfitter and house furnishers."
Photos of the Hurricane Damage in Tenterden
October 1987 

Tenterden Hurricance October 1987


Tenterden Hurricance October 1987


Tenterden Hurricance October 1987


Tenterden Hurricance October 1987


Tenterden Hurricance October 1987


Tenterden Hurricance October 1987

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