Above photo taken from the Courier 5 May 1971 (photo by Dr Weaver, Ashford) the Annual Tenterden May Fair on Tenterden Recreation Ground
1972 (February) Tenterden Bowls Club
Photo: Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 19 May 1972. "This is a view of Tenterden High Street which few people have seen. St Mildred's Church towers above the shops and houses, many of which date back several centuries, and on the right of the picture is the former Embassy cinema which is now a supermarket. In the foreground is the Glebe Field, the doctors' surgery, the primary school and bus station"
Newspapers, Magazines & more
21 January 1972 - The Courier
- Mrs G Baverstock, member of the Tenterden Historical Society, works on the Thomson Almanacs
- Society tidies up a slice of the town history - Almanacs and pictures -Tenterden & District Local History Society
- Town Centre : public to have facts
November 1972 - The Resident
- The Greens
28 January 1972 - The Courier
- Old time supermarket sold everything. Thompson's Almanac of 1915 owned by Mr Cecil Butler, landlord of the White Lion
1972 - The Resident
The Late Fred Allen, an appreciation. The end of two institutions has strangely coincided, for the history of Thomas Frederick Allen and Messrs. Boormans Stores has been linked for over the last half century. Aged 89 years when he died on Monday, 12th February, Thomas Frederick Allen had been a well-known and respected member of our Tenterden community for nearly 70 years... read more