Tenterden Archive - Year 1955

Tenterden News


Tenterden High Street 1955

Tenterden High Street 1955


Tenterden High Street 1955

Tenterden High Street 1955


Tenterden Football Club Social May 1955

Tenterden Football Club Social May 1955
Front Row, left to right: E Woodcock, Howard Millen, M Stanger, E Hobbs, E Butterworth, V Packham, R Goodsell
Middle Row, left to right: D W J Packham, R Hyde, E Jenner, Hugh Millen, J Mannerings Jnr, E P Finniss, O Hudson, V Shoobridge, E J Edwards, J French, S J Day, J Gilham, J Watchous, R J Gillett, S Head, K Martin, R Knight, L Carey, G Bates
Back Row, left to right: J Mannerings Snr, D Boorman, G Millen, D Southby, V Ashcroft, A Zanolia, B Penny, W R Vinall
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