Tenterden High Street 1928
Trinity Baptist Church - Tenterden's new Free Church, consecrated in 1928
The Merry Wives of Windsor, Tenterden and Rolvenden WI, Hales Place, Tenterden, 5 June 1928
The Merry Wives of Windsor, Tenterden and Rolvenden WI, Hales Place, Tenterden, 5 June 1928
The Merry Wives of Windsor, Tenterden and Rolvenden WI, Hales Place, Tenterden, 5 June 1928
The West Kent Women's Institute News, supplement to Home and Country, August 1928. Editorial notes, Federation Notes, Guild of Learners of Home Crafts, Cookery recipes, What to do when your village wants a telephone, Questions, Letters, News from the Institutes, Music notes, Community singing competition, Result of Drama Competition, Miss Craig's table of marks, Judges criticisms, including comments on Tenterden and Rolvenden WI's "The Merry Wives of Windsor", Drama Notes, The Story of a Fine Gentleman