The photo in the graphic above is Councillor F Edwards JP, the first Territorial Mayor of Tenterden. "One of Tenterden's most popular men, and the son of a former Mayor. Has had seven years' useful service on the Council and well deserves the honour now conferred. Is a Territorial officer and Engineer of the Fire Brigade." Nov 1912
Newspaper article Jan 1912. Kent Education Committee notice to landowners. Tenterden proposed Council School. The committee invite offers of freehold land suitable as a site for a new council school, which is to take the place of the present buildings in Ashford Road. The area required will not exceed one acre...
Newspaper articles including the Kent Examiner 19 Jan 1912. The Monument and the Message, Archbishop of Canterbury at Tenterden. Historic Steeple Restored Thanksgiving Service. The famous "Tenterden Steeple" is at last relieved of its unsightly scaffolding and its beauty can be admired ....
Newspaper article 17 February 1912. The Dickens Centenary, Topical Sermon at Tenterden. At the Old Meeting House, Tenterden, on Sunday evening, Mr Harold Rylett delivered an address on "Charles Dickens". He said ...
Newspaper article, Kentish Express 31 August 1912. St Bartholomew's Day. Kentish Sufferers by the Act of Uniformity. Interesting Details. Nonconformists through the country marked St Bartholomew's Day, which fell on Sunday, as the 250th anniversary of the passing of the Acts of Uniformity, at the instance of the anti-Puritan Parliament of Charles II, by which over 2,000 Church of England clergymen were driven out of their livings.... Ministers who were ejected in Kent ...
Newspaper article, Kentish Express 31 August 1912. Two Tenterden Sufferers....
Newspaper article, 31 August 1912. On Saturday morning a wreath of bays was laid on the tomb of the Rev Joseph Usborne, in the parish churchyard at Staplehurst....
Newspaper article, Kentish Express 9 September 1912. The Old Meeting House in Tenterden. Letter to the Editor of the Kentish Express....
Newspaper article, 30 August 1913. The Old Meeting House....
Newspaper article Kent Examiner 15 November 2912. Tenterden. All day on Saturday the bells of the Tenterden Parish Church rang forth a joyous peal, and the new Mayor, Councillor F Edwards, was met with hearty congratulations on every hand. The retiring Mayor (Councillor AR Boorman) provided at the commencement of the annual meeting of the Town Council, there being also present Aldermen Jabez Chacksfield, HS Norton, E Howard and EH Hardcastle, Councillors F Edwards (the Mayor-elect), E Apps, F Care, JS Jordon, S Hook, W Love, J Sutton and John Checksfield, with the Clerk (Mr J Munn-Mace) and the Borough Surveyor (Mr W L C Turner).... Councillor Edwards Honoured.... The Retiring Mayor's good qualities.... The Mayoral Banquet.... The Army and Navy....
Newspaper article, Kent Examiner, 15 November 1912. Random Notes and Caustic Comments by the Jester. Tenterden is proud of its Territorial Mayor. Councillor Edwards has had an good a send off on his year of office, as far as ceremony is concerned, as any many who has even been elected... There are few counties in England that can boast of a Mayor's day like Kent's and there is no town in the county which excels Tenterden in its thoroughness of upkeep of the day...
Newspaper article, Kentish Express 16 November 1912. Councillor F Edwards, Tenterden. Councillor Frederick Edwards is the youngest son of the late Mr Obediah Edwards, who was Mayor of Tenterden during 1898-9, and is a member of the firm of Messrs O Edwards and Sons, brewers...
Newspaper article, Kentish Express 12 October 1912
Newspaper article, Kent Examiner, 15 November 1912 continued. The Borough. The speech of the evening.... Church Parade. On Sunday morning the mayor (Councillor F Edwards) attended by the Serjeant-at-Mace, in full regalia, attended the parish church....
Councillor F Edwards, Mayor of Tenterden

Mounted Rifles outside Tenterden Town Hall c. 1912-1914

Tenterden High Street in 1912, photo taken during solar eclipse

The Electric Palace in Oaks Road opened on 28 September 1912. It had one-screen with 310-350 seats (varied according to different reports) and in its day was regarded as the finest and best equipped cinema in the south of England. Because it was lit by electricity throughout, it was renamed the 'Electric Palace'. Programmes were changed on Mondays and Thursdays and it was open every evening (except Sundays) and on Saturday afternoons. Seat prices were 5d, 9d and 1s 3d (old money) with a special half price for children at matinees. In 1934 it was taken over by Shipman & King and closed in 1937 when the Embassy Cinema in Tenterden opened. During World War II the Picture Palace was used as an Army Supply Depot and in the 1950s was nearly pulled down but finally was adapted for use as shops and offices and is now known as The Fairings