Sue at MyTenterden

"Sue at MyTenterden"
Showcase your business presence in Tenterden

Discover the power of "My Tenterden" for only £100/year for a featured listing, and boost your local marketing, your reach, and your social media presence. My Tenterden is unmatched for promoting local businesses in Tenterden and the surrounding area.

  • Cover: Whether you're on the High Street, in Tenterden or slightly further out, I'm here to promote people, shops, businesses, services and the community. The more information you give me the more I can promote you
  • Images: Provide your own photos or let me help
  • Promotion: I can share your news, updates, events, offers, sales & more. I can post on social media, promote you in my regular newsletter, and add you to the My Tenterden website. I can push out your message
  • Stay Connected: Via email and social media.
  • Zoom? Let's chat! Request a link, and keep me updated on your latest happenings.
What's in "My Tenterden" for you?
Want to know more?
Contact me now:
Sue Ferguson
My Tenterden
My Tenterden Business Directory

Tenterden Kent TN30
United Kingdom
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