St Michaels Recreation Ground

Tenterden Town Council
St Michaels
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6
United Kingdom

St Michaels Recreation Ground is located immediately by the A28 Ashford Road in the middle of St Michaels village. It has a playground, skate ramp, toilets and a large grass area. It is opposite the Esso petrol station
Please contact Tenterden Town Council


St Michaels Recreation Ground, Tenterden


St Michaels Recreation Ground, Tenterden


St Michaels Recreation Ground, Tenterden


St Michaels Recreation Ground, Tenterden


St Michaels Recreation Ground, Tenterden

Tenterden Town Council
Tenterden Town Council
24 High Street
Tenterden Kent TN30 6AN
United Kingdom
Tenterden Town Council Tenterden Town Council
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