Smallhythe and Tenterden 1950s home movie
Bill Parsons Film Archive
The following 16mm film was uncovered by the Tenterden & District Museum, the original source is unknown, please see below for the home movie shot in Smallhythe and Tenterden plus brief shots of Sissinghurst Castle, and Cliftons tulips in Appledore Kent in the 1950's
Smallhythe and Tenterden in the 1950s including hop picking at Spots Farm 0.19
The Old Cottage 0.23
The Ellen Terry Memorial Museum, National Trust 2.45
St John the Baptist, Smallhythe, 3.14
Gardens, flowers 4.05
Tenterden High Street, 6.16
St Mildred's Church Bellringers 6.30
Roof repairs Smallhythe Church 9.35
Hop Picking at Spots Farm Smallhythe 11.00