Connect Up

The Church of England
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6AT
United Kingdom


Connect Up!
The Church of England
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Rev Lindsay Hammond "A daily email every morning where we share our thoughts and prayers for the day" 

"Inspired by wanting to keep in contact with everyone during the pandemic, we created our Connect Up! community in March 2020. When we began Connect Up! on 17th March 2020 (when it was called Daily Bulletin and then Viral Times), we did so in an attempt to provide something that would help to keep people together amid the isolation of the pandemic, and also help, in some small way, to keep us connected to God, and therefore to hope. Life’s circumstances have changed and there is a new and additional need to connect the nine churches of our group. We still try and provide things that help us to understand a little more the matters of faith and keep alive the rumour of the God who loves us."
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