Barry Jones Florists in Tenterden

Barry Jones & Sons Florist
62 High Street
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6AU
United Kingdom

Barry Jones Florists in Tenterden
Nothing is too big or too small, if you have a query or just want to find something specific then give us a call.  Stock comes direct from Covent Garden Flower Market.  If we do not have want you want then we should be able to get it within days.  With over 160 years of experience in the family then we can deal any sort of request. 
For Tenterden High Street & Local Area Shopping, Town Guide: see here for details & hours:
Barry Jones Florist
Daren Jones
62 High Street
Tenterden Kent TN30 6AU
United Kingdom
Barry Jones Florist Daren Jones
A family of florists since 1854 and with 5 generations of experience to date. Come to us for anything floral, a wide range of usual, unusual and interesting plants, balloons, chocolates and wines.

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