Ashford Volunteer Centre | Tenterden

Ashford Volunteer Centre | Tenterden
Berwick House, 8 Elwick Road
Ashford, Kent TN23 1PF
United Kingdom



Ashford Volunteer Centre covering the Ashford and Tenterden area

Volunteer Centre
Provides support and expertise within the Ashford Borough to potential volunteers, existing volunteers and organisations that involve volunteers
Volunteer Car Service
The Volunteer Car Service scheme enables people who find it difficult to use public transport to attend health appointments and where resources allow shopping trips or social excursions. Our Volunteer Car Service is a non-profit making service where volunteer drivers kindly offer their time and cars to support those members of the community who, due to mobility problems, are unable to use other forms of transport. 

Information, Advice & Guidance Service
A free community based service that helps you access extra support to enable you to remain independent in your own home. Information & Advice on: benefit referrals, day care centres, befriending, transport, private care packages, pet services, meals on wheels, housing. Arranging: House deep cleans, repairs, domestic and shopping support, gardening, blue badges, lifelines, keysafes, community aids and equipment. Funded by Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group

Ashford Volunteer Centre 
Registered Charity No. 1066765  
Ashford Volunteer Centre | Tenterden
Volunteer Centre
8 Elwick Road
Ashford Kent TN23 1PF
United Kingdom

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