Ashford Borough Citizens Advice in Tenterden

Ashford Borough Citizens Advice
Zion Baptist Church (Bridewell Lane entrance), 69 High Street
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BB
United Kingdom


Ashford Borough Citizens Advice is located at the Zion Baptist Church (usually open Monday & Tuesday 9.30am-12noon) whilst the Town Hall is closed for restoration works.

Ashford Borough Citizens Advice can assist with most subjects, legal and non legal. Confidential, non judgemental free service. Get help with issues such as debt, employment, consumer, housing.
You can also get telephone help from the Ashford office on 01233 626185 when Tenterden is not open 
Ashford Borough Citizens Advice is a registered charity.  AdviceUK is the UK’s largest support network for independent advice services. It was formed in 1979 as the Federation of Independent Advice Centres (FIAC) 
Ashford Borough Citizens Advice in Tenterden
Ashford Borough Citizens Advice

Tenterden Kent TN30 6AN
United Kingdom
Ashford Borough Citizens Advice in Tenterden Ashford Borough Citizens Advice

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