Rotary Speaker Mark Styles

Bill Ferguson, Tenterden Rotary Club
Mark Styles shared some startling statistics about motor neuron disease (MND). There are 5,000 people diagnosed with MND in the UK, one third of whom will die within a year of diagnosis. By the end of year two the mortality rate is 50%. There is no cure. The illness is thought to be a combination of genetic disposition and environmental triggers.
The MND Association, that Mark represents, has 7,000 members, it runs a helpline and 20 Care Centres in England and Wales employing 170 staff. "It's an expensive business, being ill", said Mark. He thanked Rotary for their efforts and accepted a donation of £1200 for the charity.
Photo: left to right: Mark Styles, Ian Mowat, president Tenterden Rotary Club, Chris Milne 
Tenterden Rotary Club meeting: Thurs 26 May 2016
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