Tenterden Rotary Club speaker: Jason Hall from Ashford Astronomical Society

Bill Ferguson, Tenterden Rotary Club

Jason Hall from Ashford Astronomical Society took Tenterden Rotarians on a journey to the stars as he explained some fundamental principles of astronomy with some impressive images and video. He told us that the star Betelgeuse is so far away that we are seeing how it looked 400 million years ago, it may have already gone supernova and exploded without anyone knowing, so if the night sky suddenly lights up, best take cover.

Photo: left to right, Ian Mowat, President, Tenterden Rotary Club, and Jason Hall
Tenterden Rotary Club meeting: Thurs 12 May 2016

Bill Ferguson, Tenterden Rotary Club Press Officer   
Email Bill Ferguson
Tenterden Rotary Club website: www.tenterdenrotary.co.uk
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