Tenterden Welcomes the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports

Tenterden News
Admiral Sir George Zambelles with Cllr Sue Ferguson, Mayor of Tenterden, Tenterden Town Council
Tenterden Town Council News 1 November 2024
Tenterden Welcomes Admiral Sir George Zambellas, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports 
Following the installation of Admiral Sir George Zambellas as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports on 29 October 2024, Sir George visited Tenterden on Friday 1 November as part of his packed tour of the 14 Cinque Port towns. He was accompanied by Lady Zambellas, and Flag Lieutenant Lt Alex Firth. Hosted by Tenterden Town Council.

The visit began at the Tenterden & District Museum, where Sir George was warmly welcomed to the Town by the Mayor of Tenterden, Councillor Sue Ferguson.

Sir George was introduced to the official party including Debbie Baines (Town Clerk), Cllr Andrew Holcombe (Deputy Mayor of Tenterden), Cllr Jean Curteis (Cinque Ports Champion), Cllr Jane Mills (Historian), John Crawford (Coronation Baron of the Cinque Ports), Henry Edwards (Honorary Freeman), Raymond Crawfurd (Honorary Freeman), Debbie Greaves (Honorary Freewoman and Historian), and Naomi Dickens (Curator of the Museum).

Cllr Jane Mills shared insights into Tenterden’s fascinating history with the Cinque Ports, covering the town crest, the town’s shipbuilding roots and its critical maritime contributions, while Naomi Dickens followed with a presentation on Tenterden’s shipbuilding legacy at Smallhythe and Reading Street, along with recent Roman archaeological finds.

The group then embarked on a tour of Tenterden High Street, guided by Debbie Greaves and Jane Mills. They paused at Coombe Lane to take in the historic architecture and discussed Tenterden’s heritage, from the wide High Street and the bustling sheep and cattle markets to landmark buildings such as the Zion Baptist Church, the White Lion, and The Pebbles, once home to Horatia Nelson Ward (daughter of Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson) and her husband, Rev Philip Ward, the Vicar of Tenterden.

Next, the party made their way to St Mildred’s Churchyard, pausing to admire the towering Church Tower crafted from Bethersden marble and to explore the historic barrel tombs marking the site’s rich past.

Inside St Mildred’s Church, Canon Rev Lindsay Hammond, Town Council Chaplain Rev Jeanette Kennett, Rev Andrew Tapsell, and historian Nick Hudd awaited them. Nick Hudd gave a short speech and the visitors explored the 12th-century church, noting its evolving architecture, and admired Horatia Nelson’s 19th-century embroidery, framed and displayed within the church. Sir George was intrigued by the artwork, speculating whether one of the figures might be Horatia herself.

The afternoon concluded at the Lemon Tree, where the party enjoyed tea and scones. Mayor Sue Ferguson offered a few words of thanks, to which Sir George responded, expressing his delight in Tenterden’s history, and the warm hospitality. The Mayor presented Sir George with a gift, a copy of a Map book of Tenterden to the Sea by Dr Adrian Greaves.

Sir George’s visit was a memorable day for Tenterden, highlighting the town’s unique connection to the Cinque Ports and celebrating its vibrant heritage.
Tenterden Town Council
Town Hall
24 High Street
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6AN 
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