Affordable Housing

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What is affordable housing?
Affordable housing includes homes for sale or rent designed for individuals whose needs are not met by the private housing market.
Affordable Housing for Rent
  1. Affordable or Intermediate Rent
    • Rents are at least 20% below local market rates (affordable rent) or set between market and social rent levels (intermediate rent)
    • Market rent/value is determined by the property’s size, type, and location.
  2. Social Rent:
    • Set at around 50% of market rents, these homes are aimed at low-income households.
Most affordable rental properties are owned and managed by registered providers (RPs), including:
  • Not-for-profit Housing Associations
  • For-profit RPs
  • Local authorities
Additionally, affordable rental housing may cater to specific needs, such as supported housing for vulnerable, older, or disabled people.

Affordable Housing for Sale
  1. Shared Ownership:
    • Buyers purchase homes at discounted rates (minimum 20% below market value)
  2. Rent to Buy:
    • Properties initially rented with the option to buy later
  3. Discounted Homes for First-Time Buyers:
    • Developers offer homes at least 20% below local market value
Affordable housing supports diverse needs, offering accessible pathways to secure living arrangements for those unable to afford standard market prices.


Social Housing
If you live or work within the borough and you have a housing need that you cannot meet from your own resources or if your current home does not meet your housing requirements then you may apply to join Ashford Borough Council’s housing register. More information here: 

Further help
Housing information from Ashford Borough Council

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