25 Years ago in Tenterden - March 1999

Tenterden News
25 Years ago in Tenterden - March 1999
From the Tenterden Archives
Researched by Jack Gillett
  • A vicar, the Rev Lindsay Hammond of Appledore, has been called in to put a stop to the antics of a ghost which is terrifying the children of New Zealand architect Quentin Roake and a friend staying at Maynards, off Appledore Road at Leigh Green
  • Two taxi spaces in Tenterden High Street that are under used should become public parking spaces, say town councillors
  • Pauline Shaw and Anna Travers produced a superb round in difficult conditions to win the Tenterden Golf Club High-Low Greensome stableford competition
  • A civic service will be held at St Mildred’s Church, Tenterden, on Sunday 23 May at 11.30 am to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the twinning with Avallon
  • The Town Council is requesting a site meeting with a borough planning officer to look at an outline planning application to redevelop the former gasworks site in Bridewell Lane, Tenterden
  • Tenterden division Rainbows, Brownies and Guides is holding an Auction of Promises to raise cash for a pack holiday and camping equipment
  • The Mayor of Tenterden, Cllr Jill Kirk, has been nominated mayor-elect for the coming year, subject to the results of the town council election on 6 May
  • Cycle racks for up to eight bikes are to be provided by the town council outside the library and Martins the newsagents in the high street at a cost of about £3,000
  • Ambitious plans to provide a larger town library with community offices in an old timber-framed barn on the Tenterden recreation ground have been put forward
  • More than 140 diners celebrated Mother’s day on the Kent and East Sussex steam railway
  • Tenterden St Michael’s football club forgot their poor league form to upset the odds with a surprise 3-2 victory against Bishopsbourne to earn a place in the Weald of Kent Charity Competition final against Tyler Hill at Tenterden on Good Friday
  • Hanging baskets with colourful trailing fuchsias, pelargoniums and petunias have been ordered by Tenterden in Bloom subcommittee for the town centre
  • Some Tenterden bus services have been cut after, Fuggles of Benenden, one of the area’s longest-established transport operators, went out of business
  • Former England cricketer Phil Edmonds says he is mystified by the Ashford council’s decision to reject a design for an impressive gateway to the London Beach golf course and hotel at St Michaels
  • Tenterden Junior School will not convert to a five-term year yet, governors have decided
  • The NatWest Bank in Tenterden is inviting everyone in on 1 April to guess the weight of a fruit cake, in aid of Leukaemia Research
  • The Midland Bank in Tenterden has responded to the need for better access for disabled people by providing a ramp to its front door
  • Tenterden’s Millennium garden is a step closer after the town council accepted a bid for its construction
  • A Tenterden businessman says that teenagers who practise mountain bike stunts along the tops of walls in the town are becoming a menace
  • An 88 year-old Tenterden resident, Raymond Mercer, who lived in the town all his life except while serving in the Army during the Second World War, has died after a long illness
Jack GIllett
March 2024 
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