25 Years ago in Tenterden - June 1999

Tenterden News
25 Years ago in Tenterden - June 1999
From the Tenterden Archives
Researched by Jack Gillett
  • The idea of reviving the old Tenterden Sheep fair as a Millennium event has made a resident anxious about the state the recreation ground might be in afterwards
  • Tenterden Vineyard Park has been chosen for the second year running as a venue for the Mozart Summer Festival
  • Have I Got News For You – Ian Hislop is a dab at smashing bottles of champagne as he swung two with great gusto at the buffer beams of the steam locomotives he was rededicating at Tenterden Town Station
  • A painting of Tenterden by Lucien Pissarro, the son of the famous artist, showing St Mildred’s Church on the skyline, is coming up for auction by Phillips in New Bond Street, London
  • Tenterden leisure centre is holding an Over Fifties Lifestyle Open Day to run from 10 am–3 pm
  • Tenterden leisure centre had to be hired for an annual Record of Achievement evening for pupils of Homewood School and Sixth Form College because it does not have a large enough hall to fit everyone in
  • A seat dedicated to the memory of cider maker and farmer Bob Luck of Mill Pond Farm, St Michaels has been given to the town by his family and friends
  • Families from all 35 houses and bungalows in William Judge Close, a cul-de-sac in Tenterden, got together to throw a surprise 80th birthday street party for Norman Thomas
  • The public were invited to a talk by Lord Deedes at a meeting of the Weald of Kent Preservation Society at Tenterden Town Hall
  • The number of clients who visited the Citizens advice Bureau in Tenterden increased by seven per cent last year, despite a shortage of advisors and reduced opening hours
  • Jane Ward, Tenterden Golf Club’s assistant secretary, showed she also knows her way round the course by winning the Rita Young Trophy
  • Black plumed horses pulled a carriage bearing the coffin of Bill Fuller, 53, to his funeral service at St Mildred’s Church
  • Tenterden Town Council finance and general purposes committee approved a plan to distribute 890 ceramic Millennium Mugs to children aged between four and 11 years old in Tenterden and St Michaels
  • The Rotary Club of Tenterden is holding its second annual charity bike ride on Sunday when the rider with the highest sponsorship will win a colour television
  • Traffic warden Harry Hickmott turned detective when a stolen bag packed with £800 worth of wet clothes was handed in to the Tenterden police office
  • A public meeting is to be called within two months to decide how to press ahead with a £4m partnership project to build a hospital with nursing home and sheltered bungalows at West View in Tenterden
  • Rain threatened to wet the duck’s backs at the St Michaels Church fete, but it stayed dry for long enough to raise more than £1,100
  • A display of Tenterden’s cricket club memorabilia is to go on show at Tenterden Museum to coincide with the Cricket World Cup
  • Tesco has been accused of rapidly assuming the role of an absentee, neglectful and uncommunicative landlord with a cavalier disregard for local opinion in Tenterden
  • The Tenterden and district branch of RNLI collected £890 during a flag day
Jack Gillett
June 2024 
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