25 Years ago in Tenterden - July 1999

Tenterden News
25 Years ago in Tenterden - July 1999
From the Tenterden Archives
Researched by Jack Gillett
  • Tenterden community beat officer PC Tom Newbury has a record as long as your arm since he has arrested 14 criminals in a matter of months
  • The president, Dorothy Phillips, welcomed members and guests to the 80th birthday meeting of Tenterden WI
  • Pupils, parents and friends from the town’s infant and junior schools joined forces for a bumper fun day, raising £4,600
  • Pupil’s at St Michaels primary and Tenterden infant and junior schools have been creating Tenterden in Bloom drawings and paintings for exhibition in the town library
  • The smile was wiped from the clown’s face when animal rights’ campaigners, waving banners and handing out leaflets, picketed the big top visiting Tenterden
  • Tenterden Operatic and Dramatic Society performed Whistle Down the Wind in Tenterden Town Hall on July 15, 16 and 17
  • Skating ramps were smashed up after the town council banned the hand built stunt pieces young people were using on the new skate park at St Michaels recreation ground
  • Silver specialist Michael Baggott, from London auctioneer’s Sotheby’s gave free valuations and auction advice in Tenterden
  • Thunder bugs in a smoke alarm are thought by fire experts to be responsible for two false alarms at Tenterden library
  • The landlord of the Eight Bells in Tenterden High Street, Tony Mountford, 62, was injured when he fell off a step ladder
  • Celebrity Chef Michael Barry, of Fat Man in the Kitchen fame, visited the Eight Bells, Tenterden, to promote the finest county produce
  • A replica of Stephenson’s Rocket from the National Railway Museum is to be at the Kent and East Sussex steam railway as part of celebrations to mark the 25th anniversary of the re-opening of the line in 1974
  • Artificial flowers are to be banned and flower and shrub pots will have to be sunk into the ground at St Michaels churchyard from now on
  • The Helping Hands agency at Tenterden Day Centre which provides help in the home and shopping for pensioners and the disabled, has been given £250 for personal attack alarms and circuit breakers for staff
  • A proposal to move the Friday market into Tenterden High Street has been rejected by the Town Council on the grounds that the road is too congested to make space for stalls
  • Smallhythe Cricket Club enjoyed a four-day tour to the Isle of Wight
  • Tenterden Day Centre is feeling the strain of having to raise thousands of pounds each year to survive
  • The origin of the curiously named London Beach area between St Michaels and High Halden was recently cited as relating to the turnpike interchange for stage coach passengers
  • Police are appealing for witnesses to a serious accident on a right hand bend at Goods Hill, Tenterden, which blocked the road for more than an hour
  • A new look Tenterden side managed by Chris Wright will be competing in the Nuclear Electric County Football League this coming winter and Roger Pope has taken over as chairman

Jack Gillett
July 2024

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